Well, this week was super busy for us. With it being Labor Day on Monday, it made for a short week to do work. Notice I didn't say a short work week....there is a difference. To say that you had a short work week would imply that you had less than a week's worth of work to do. That was not the case. Thus the phrase, short week to do work. :) I really should copyright my phrases.... Anyway, normally through the week we don't do much traveling. However, this week we had the wonderful honor of speaking at my grandparents, Chuck and Inez Freeman, and my aunt and uncle, Jerry and Cindy Freeman's church, Capitol Hill Assembly of God in Oklahoma City, OK. Because we have always been on staff at a church, we very rarely have ever had Sundays off. And when we do, it's vacation...and believe it or not, we don't ususally attend church on our vacation. WHA???!!! I know, shocking! Anyway, having explained that we are always working on Sunday, it stands to reason that we have never visited our family's churches... Well, it was great. It was so nice to finally meet all of their friends and the people at their church. They treated us so kindly. The family of God really is just that...a family! We enjoyed our evening there very much. Olivia even received a first aid kit when she attended missionettes there. They were working on their first aid badge. She's been wearing the ace bandage ever since. No, she's not hurt, she's just wearing the bandage. There have been other times of her "nursing" family members along. I don't forsee the band aids lasting much longer. And don't ask poor Griffin about the alcohol pads...
Anyway, after we left church Wednesday night, Randy had to head towards Abilene, Texas. Sectional Council started Thursday morning. My mom was kind enough to drive the kids and me back to Allen...and what a drive it was! Hurricane Hermine dumped LOTS of rain on us on our way home. It was a rough drive going and coming. And once you add potty breaks for the 2 year old, and his mother, we were all soppy, wet messes when we arrived both at church and back at home...oh well...we were there safely, that's all that mattered!
Randy continued to travel to different sections for their Sectional Councils. He got home Friday evening...it was good to have him back. The kids and I did enjoy having my mom for a visit though. I don't think she has been able to stay with us since Ella was born...so it was nice.
This past Sunday we were in Prosper, TX. It was a close 30 minute drive, which was wonderful!!! It was the first Saturday I've had at home in quite some time, and my house and laundry were glad to have me around! There was so much to catch up on...and honestly, still is. But, we tried... :) We enjoyed our service today with Pastor Gabbard and his wife. They and their church were so kind. They definitely welcomed us with open arms and made us feel very wanted. And on a side note, we drove by a farm with a miniature zebra. I'm not even lying...we saw a miniature zebra! And we aren't even in Africa yet!
Also this week, my dear little Ella really got to walking! She is 10 months and a week old. She is my first to walk so early...but that's ok. I'm proud of her and her new accomplishment! She is such a happy baby....such a blessing to our home! Griffin is still keeping us on our toes...and demonstrating what he sees us do...that always provides opportunity for self reflection... Olivia and I are getting the hang of homeschooling. She is doing really well, and I think we've hit a good stride. She really is a joy to work with...I haven't yelled, and she hasn't cried in a while. Success really is how you measure it. :) She also started gymnastics last week. I'm pretty sure she was born to swing on bars. :) Hudson is still loving Jr. High. He's making good grades, doing well in orchestra, and loving guitar club. Life is good for Hudson the 7th grader. In fact, life is good for all of us. God is great, and we are blessed!